Translating WPEForm into your language

WPEForm comes with 100% translation support. WPEForm is a JavaScript based application. So we will cover both PHP and JS translations.

In the following tutorial, we will assume you want to translate to German and the locale is de_DE. You need to replace all occurrences of de_DE with your own locale.

Translating PHP managed strings


Go to the languages/ directory of the plugin. This is shipped with both free and premium version. Inside it you should find a file named wp-eform.pot.

Create Po from Pot File
Duplicate pot to po file

Now duplicate the file wp-eform.pot and rename it to wp-eform-de_DE.po. Note that the extension of the new file should be po and NOT pot.

Translate in POEditor
Translate in POEditor

Now edit the newly created po file. We use POEditor which has both free and premium plans.


Once you are done, save the file and it will create another file called

The process is finished and now all strings coming from the PHP part of the application should be translated.

Translate JavaScript managed strings

Majority of strings (mostly in the form builder and WordPress Admin area) are managed by JavaScript. We are using WordPress' own JS APIs for localization and it is pretty straight forward to translate.

Translate Front (User) facing strings


Inside the languages directory, navigate to js/app. Inside it you will find a file named wp-eform-lo_ID.po.

Locate JS App Po File
JS App PO File

Duplicate the file and name it wp-eform-de_DE.po. Now open it with POEditor or your favorite translation tool.


Once you are done translating, save the file. It will generate a mo file, but that is not necessary.


Now grab the content of the wp-eform-de_DE.po file and paste in the tool below. Set de_DE as the locale. Click on the Generate JSON button.

Make WordPress compatible jed json from po


Now place the generated file at the same location as languages/js/app. The name of the file should be wp-eform-de_DE-wpeform_front_runtime.json. The name is very important here.

Now all user facing strings coming from WPEForm should be translated to German.

Translate Backend (Admin) facing strings

The process is same as before. You need to look for the po file inside languages/js/admin directory.


Inside the languages directory, navigate to js/admin. Inside it you will find a file named wp-eform-lo_ID.po.


Duplicate the file and name it wp-eform-de_DE.po. Now open it with POEditor or your favorite translation tool.


Once you are done translating, save the file. It will generate a mo file, but that is not necessary.


Now grab the content of the wp-eform-de_DE.po file and paste in the tool below. Set de_DE as the locale. Click on the Generate JSON button.

Make WordPress compatible jed json from po


Now place the generated file at the same location as languages/js/admin. The name of the file should be wp-eform-de_DE-wpeform-admin-handle.json. The name is very important here.

That's all about translating WPEForm WordPress Plugin. If you wish us to add your translations to the repository, do get in touch. We will surely reward you for your hard work.